Autumn Endings

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Nothing is ever so beautiful in its dying as leaves are in the autumn.


Autumn equinox always seems such a natural time to turn inward, realign, and release. It is a season so suited for sadness – the emotion that helps us do that very thing – let go of what needs to be let go.

So often, it is the sadness that is judged for being unwelcome or uncomfortable. In truth, sadness is often like a mother to us – knowing what is best and gently nudging us when something is no longer working in our lives and it is time to move on.

Usually, we resist.

That resistance is okay and to be expected…to a point.

Sometimes what seems to be not working just needs a change – maybe a conversation, maybe a different perspective. Sometimes what is not working could work again, if something else in our life is changed. There are no absolutes when dealing with the watery realm of our emotions. They flow in and out, often with many undercurrents that we are unaware of in the moment. But we can be sure that they are always operating for our highest good, as best they can.

If sadness is showing up for you as this autumn season cools and darkens the northern hemisphere, ask yourself these questions:

What needs to be released?

What needs to be restored?

Perhaps you may find some insights that can help you take a next step in your journey. Remember, to make space for the new, we must let certain things pass away.

For more information on The Language of Emotions, contact me to sign up for a class or individual training series or subscribe to the newsletter to keep abreast of new happenings!

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