
Anger is not what you think it is. Like the smooth, solid stones that build a wall - this emotion helps us set strong boundaries. It helps us separate what is ours from what is not ours and helps us stand strong and secure in ourselves as we go through the world. Learn to recognize true anger in its softest form and learn to use its energy to help you find your boundaries and speak up for yourself, respectfully and while honoring others.


Sadness is the emotion that helps us let go. When we learn to listen to and work with our sadness, we can let go of things that no longer serve us. When you work well with this emotion, you can change your mind, be open to new ideas, and go with the flow.


Fear helps us notice and be aware of our surroundings. This keeps us safe, alert, and able to respond effectively. When you work well with your fear you have access to your intuition and ability to focus.


Happiness is a popular emotion, but it's important to remember that it's not meant to stay with us at all times. Often arising in play, happiness is a light emotion that helps us find delight and hope. The trick with this emotion is to embrace it when it arises and let it go when it fades. Trust that - as with all emotions - it will come again when the time is right!
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